A Man in a Dress?


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Well, it’s not a man in a dress, but it IS a woman preaching from the pulpit. This is the latest in evangelical silliness and modern gender-bending in the Body of Messiah. Having women teach over men and take on leadership positions, although specifically prohibited in scripture, is cutting through countless congregations and Messianic synagogues including some formerly “traditional” ones. For now, it’s one of the most divisive trends moving through the Body, but once the perpetrators get it totally normalized, just like the secular world has with sodomy, people will generally either accept it or leave their local congregation. I for one left.

I know a lot of people are saying, well maybe you’re right about it being counter-biblical, but what’s the big deal? It’s not like it’s first degree murder. I know I know. It’s not first degree murder. But by way of example, I’d point out that having the pastor show up in a frilly pink dress isn’t first degree murder either, but it IS ridiculous gender-bending and I’d never sit under it if it happened. I’d leave. Furthermore, this role reversal in the holy Bride of Messiah is only indicative of disobedience elsewhere, especially the refusal of men and women to act like men and women. It’s indicative of the not very biblical marriages out there. It’s indicative of the women who refuse to be workers of the home and raise their own children. It’s indicative of the desire of women in the Bride to imitate men in any number of ways. Women are not meant to be imitation men. They are meant to be women.

In fact women violating scripture in this regard is so common, it’s almost making the words “woman minister” become dirty words. I guess this is similar to the way that our culture, in its obsession with homosexuality, has made a man putting his arm around another man into a suggestive and possibly ugly thing. It’s the same vein of thought. We have thoroughly damaged gender roles to the point that the word “woman” next to the word “ministry” carries with it some of the same ugliness. What a shame that it’s so. But this failure is not only the responsibility of women, it is ultimately the responsibility of men, because as pastors and even as husbands, they have failed in THEIR own roles by allowing it to happen. If men had behaved like men, we would not be seeing this. It is a transgendered Bride of Messiah.

One of the many negative consequences of the role reversal we discuss is the damage that it does to what holy women in the Bride of Messiah COULD rightfully be doing otherwise. They could be very occupied and fulfilled in the ministry of the home. They could be taking care of the sick or elderly in their own congregation or neighborhood. They could be adopting children from foster homes, children who might otherwise be bound to this unbelieving hedonistic culture for life and raising them up in Messiah. They could be feeding the hungry. They could be ministering to the poor. These are all glorious and fulfilling pursuits that godly women could be doing. Instead, pardon me, our women prefer to exercise their mouths, and presume to be able to teach over men.

Therefore, I’ve collected some resources below to teach about biblical manhood and womanhood, especially in the congregation. I’ve included some materials I’ve written myself to congregations and governing bodies on the subject, and I confidently believe the material shows that women heading congregations and women preaching over men are aberrant practices. I encourage you to use the resources below to the best of your ability. The restoration of the Bride involves the restoration of man and woman, much like salvation itself.

Marriage of the Lamb






And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. (1 Timothy 2:14-15)


To the Restoration of the Bride: 

Resources Teaching the Role of Women in Ministry
A Short Video — Pastor John MacArthur discredits the widely popular feminist doctrine in this twenty-two minute video. He deals with the major verse from 1 Timothy point by point, and places it all in the broad biblical worldview of man and woman. An excellent piece by a highly-respected biblical pastor.
Article 1 — A thorough essay by Matt Slick of CARM arguing biblically against both women pastors and women preachers.
Article 2 — A concise piece by Daniel B. Wallace PhD arguing biblically against women preaching from the pulpit.
Article 3 — Professor Douglas Moo goes over 1 Timothy in detail.
Article 4 — Matt Slick of CARM responds to a paper arguing for women pastors, and answers the question: Should I leave my church over this?
Article 5
Did Paul allow women to prophesy in church? This excellent and thorough article examines the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:5, opening with the clear understanding of the early Church on the subject.
Todd Friel Video — This short monologue by Wretched TV covers many of the points about gender roles briefly. Although it doesn’t get into any in detail, it clearly proves the main message: that the traditional view of gender roles relies on the plain instructions of scripture, and that the feminist view relies on ambiguities and alleged exceptions.
B-B-But Deborah — A clear response to the often abused example of the Judge
Deborah.                        Let Your Women Keep Silent — This is a reply to those who allow women preaching as long as it is outside of the local church gathering with everyone present. It began as my reply to a creationist ministry which had just become compromised that way, and I have turned it into a longer article. 

My Protest Material for your Reading and Use
Protest to the Churches against Feminism — This is a letter of protest I wrote to the governing body in my own community, against the trend of feminizing the congregation, which caused me to leave the community. It includes a brief review of the text along with explaining a number of reasons why we should not allow this. I have removed personal names, organizational names and some lingo.  Feel free to use any of this material for your own similar use.
A Response from One Leader and My Subsequent Response — This is the answer I received from my protest above and my own answer to various points the leader brought up. I want to point out that is seems obvious that the only things behind this feminist doctrine are 1) Terrible translation and 2) Grasping at the straw of any possible exception. I don’t mean to be mean or anything, but this is without a doubt a counter-biblical doctrine.

Answers to Major Objections — Along with my letters, I’ve included this piece to place the responses to objections all in one place. You will likely find one you’ve heard, or even believe in, answered right here.
My Response to a Local Minister — This is my response to a conversation with a local minister from the same community. Since it is answering a previous conversation, I have included a paragraph of explanation in the beginning. I think most of it is self-explanatory to anyone familiar with the subject. Just as with the above letters, it seems plain that the feminist doctrine stands on some very muddy ground.
My Response to Another Pastor — This is also a response to a previous conversation with a pastor who accepts the new doctrine. He had quite categorically laid out the argument for it, and once again, it came down to bad translation and potential ambiguous exceptions. This letter is briefer than the others.
My Brief Protest to Another Congregation — This letter does not try to do much apologetics, simply to make an impassioned plea against this practice, and point to the harm that it causes. It is addressed to what would otherwise be considered a traditional church, which had capitulated to the feminist doctrine in only the past year. Shame.
My Letters to 2 Women Congregational Heads — One of them gives a detailed but not very exegetical response. The other only a brief reply. Yet notice what they both say — God told them to do it. You’ll hear that more than once as a pretext for other behavior too. Does God call people to disobey Him? Not likely.

Garments of Glory


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From nearly the beginning of Torah, Elohim (God) provides man with clothing to wear. These are the animal skins He gives Adam and Eve after the Fall. The animal skins are obviously an early expression of atonement, but they are also an early expression of modesty. I find it fascinating that the modesty taught in scripture is an echo of the Gospel itself, and even seems an important element in the likeness of God. From the modesty of our Jewish priests, who ascended a ramp to the altar instead of steps so as to conceal their nakedness, to the garments of glory promised by the prophet Isaiah to the modesty of apparel and modesty of heart as expressed in the Epistles for godly women, covering up our body is a deep and rich expression of salvation. Even Elohim is covered and clothed according to Holy Scriptures; He is covered in light; He is clothed in majesty. Is it any wonder that He promises His Kallah (Bride) fine linen, white clothing when they finally are to wed?

That fine clothing our Lord promises us represents our righteousness. Scripture clearly tells us that as well. Being covered up is in contrast to our nakedness, which represents our sin, our guilt, our shame. It’s furthermore in contrast to theJerusalem_Destruction nakedness of the land, the barren ruined Israel that remained after Elohim brought punishment on His wicked people. The word of God repeatedly shows us the shame of nakedness. When the Assyrians led the Egyptians and Ethiopians captive, their soldiers uncovered the captives’ buttocks to shame them on their long walk into captivity. When King David sought to humble himself greatly before Elohim, he worshipped in only little clothing, little enough that his wife was ashamed and ceased to desire him. Revealing nakedness as an expression is used over and over for revealing sin. The Lord God uncovers the nakedness of His sinful people. Then He brings them justice.

For these reasons and more, our modesty is a picture of Elohim’s saving process. A picture of His plan. An image of one of its final expressions. So strange then, that the holy practice of modesty and even the word “modesty” itself have become nearly alien to the Kallah that our Lord is to marry. Bring it up in your community and you’ll either get some puzzled looks, or you’ll get some souls who agree there’s too much skin floating around, but have no idea what to do about it. However, scripture itself, and pious men throughout the centuries, have ALWAYS known that there is something to do about it. It’s called covering our nakedness.

That is a difficult thought for many in the Body of Messiah today. We have been taught in recent years that having standards as such is Pharisaic or legalistic. We’ve been taught that grace will just lead souls the way to figure it out themselves. But you see, that’s a false Christian philosophy. It is also one of the reasons for the abandonment of modesty in general. You might call it an ideology of lawlessness and it’s a major cause of the half-naked Bride we see around us. It’s a lie that’s been repeated over and over and so often that now believers across the globe accept it. But beloved. It is not true.

We can be lovers of Messiah, true children of His grace, and ALSO live with standards. Here, let me show you. I’m going to say a standard of modesty, and you can repeat after me. Are you ready? Good. Here it goes….NECK. Did you get that? N-E-C-K NECK. Let me hear you say it loud and clear. Wonderful! Now I’m going to say another standard, and believe me, I’m still loving Messiah just as much when I say it. Here it goes….ANKLE. That’s right just one word. Ankle. Now I’m not even finished yet with a thorough expression of modesty, but I’ve already set a few strong fixed points in our godly standard, our illustration of our Lord’s glory.

If I want I could continue, but I’ll let the information on this page do that for me later. I hope and pray it helps you wade into, swim into and embrace the practice of modesty. I also hope it encourages you to be bold, and seek to bring real standards to your congregations and broader communities. And please don’t give up. You know, the first time you talk about it to a church leader, there’s an excellent chance you’ll get absolutely nowhere at all. You might get some smoke-blowing. You might get some double-talk. Some excuses. Some accusations, just as you would expect from the Adversary himself. But DO NOT give up. Keep persuading your community. Keep practicing modesty yourself.

We are the holy Bride of Messiah and we must not live like the world around us, which puts the human soul in the place of God and is enamored with nakedness. We are not like that. We are like the virgin, keeping her lamp ready, preparing for when her bridegroom comes. We submit the human soul to God and are enamored with His radiant garments.

Transfiguration 2







He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Rev 3:5-6)

To the Restoration of the Bride:
A Biblical Review of Modesty — By Scott T. Brown. This audio sermon on modesty is one of the best you will find. It discusses modesty, primarily for women, centered on six main biblical texts. It’s aptly titled — Wearing the Robes of Righteousness.
One or Two articles on Amish Plain Dress — The Amish and other traditional Mennonites have a standard of covering which covers most of the body. The Amish and some others also have a “plain” style, which does not allow clothes which have bright colors or patterns.

My Journey into Modesty — This is an overview of how I took on modesty in my life and offeres a few pieces of advice for other believers.
Early Church — Here is some but not all of the commentary by early Church leaders about modesty. They are very clear about covering up the body, and equally on avoiding adornment.I appreciate their overall spirit of seeking holiness as well as their plain talk against evil.

Advice on Respecting Modesty in this Fallen Age — Article by the author.
Incorruptible Beauty vs. Cosmetics — I wrote this to explain how the Christian staying away from makeup, jewelry, and similar “beauty” rituals is in line with Scripture. It is a letter in response to a pastor’s comment calling this “extreme.”
A Catholic standard of modesty based on the holiness of Miriam
A Short Video on Modesty — A man’s man tells it like it is.
 — By Paul Nilson.
The Traditional Jewish Standard — Notice how clear cut this explanation is. Modesty is not nearly as difficult as some people would like to make it. If you care you can easily do it. 

LGBT or MNPS? — Modest Natural Plain and Simple: This letter to a brother in Messiah begins by answering the question of why I wear a beard, and continues by explaining the simple application of biblical principles to our life. We practice modesty and we respect the way that God made us. I wish all other Christians did.
Authority on Her Head: This article on the Christian headcovering is also on the Articles Menu on the right. The headcovering is not specifically about modesty, but I place a link here also as it interweaves with the meaning and the practice of modesty.

 Propose Modesty in Your Community
Sample Modesty Proposal for a Congregation — This is packed with observations, so if you use it you may want to remove a few things.
Sample Modesty Proposal for a Christian Event
Sample Modesty Proposal for an Organization — This is aimed at a large church, denomination or religious umbrella organization. It comes with a sample advert which briefly announces and explains the standards alongside relevant scripture.

America, Let’s Put on Some Clothes 
Katies Mercantile  — This online shop sells mostly traditional Mennonite clothing and accessories. We’ve ordered handmade dresses from them and appreciate their work.
Quaker Jane — This website is a hub for Quaker Plain Dress
Modest Clothes — This appears to be multi-ethnic and multi-religious modest clothing.
Hannahlise — This appears to be mostly contemporary modest clothes, and looks much better than most contemporary shops which call themselves modest.
Gehman’s County Fabrics — You can find modest skirts and dresses along with fabrics and other goods. Much of the apparel is made to order.
Modest Apparel USA
Shukr — This is an Islamic modest clothes shop. We’ve ordered from them before and like their work.

Modest Sportswear
Ah— A Christian athlete defending her dignity? Nope, a Muslim again!
Meant to be Modest — This modest swimwear website is run by Christians.
A Muslim shop for modest swimwear.
An article by Catholics which lists many modest clothing shops, including modest sports wear. I don’t know how good all the resources are.
Another modest sportswear website. Again, NOT by Christians.
A short video promo for modest swimwear. You know, a lot of people think covering up like this is silly. But isn’t it worse than silly to have your mother, sister, daughter trot around mostly naked for everyone to see?