Male and Female

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The word of Elohim clearly instructs us in several roles for man and women and this website strongly promotes them. God provides the leadership roles in the holy Body of Mashiach to men, including restricting women from having authority or teaching over men. Men are given the headship role in the home as well. Women are instructed to be workers in the home, and submissive. These are well known, and Kodesh Kallah seeks to promote them with joy, because they are holy and good and from our Father.

Yet it is curious, because sometimes I wonder if what is deeper than the specific roles themselves is the masculinity and femininity of man and woman. And interestingly, it is not just the roles which the modern world including professed Christians are rejecting; it is also the masculinity and femininity. Modern believers seem to be at war with their gender itself, not just with the word of Elohim.

For God’s word does give more gender distinctions beyond the roles, albeit without going into great detail. For example, it tells us a man and women should not wear clothing that pertains to the other (Deut 22:5). It also emphasizes certain characteristics of each; it tells men to act like men in having courage (1 Kings 2:2, 1 Cor 16:13); it emphasizes women’s submissive and caring qualities, instructing her to have a meekness in heart. The idealized woman of Proverbs 31 has as a core job caring for the poor. Modesty and discretion are also emphasized for women (1 Pet 3:3-4, 1 Tim 2:9, Proverbs 11:22).

Furthermore, mankind also has many good traditions which emphasize and encourage the same gender distinctions. We have a distinction in dress, even though it can vary somewhat. We have a distinction in labor, saving the heaviest and most dangerous labor for the man, moreover discouraging them from the most feminine pursuits. We have a distinction in toys for small children, even though there is some overlap. Man has naturally done these practices throughout the ages, and they seem perfectly in line with scriptural truth and nature, despite the fact that we ourselves are deciding where to draw exact lines.                                                 

Yet nearly this entire distinction between men and women, nearly the whole gender roles of scripture, are being rejected by the modern Kahol (Church). It is clearly not just the secular world which is gender bending. Truthfully that would be a joke to even suggest. For example, speaking of roles, the women’s role as worker at home is both ignored and even disrespected by the majority of western Christians. Women have given up their submissive role in the congregation as well, at the minimum by presuming to preach over men, and in some circles by holding leadership roles. Many in the Kahol still nominally upholds male headship at home, but in practice seem to have little use for it. How many modern heads of a Christian home come home each day knowing there is only one head and that they will be respected? Well I certainly do. But to tell you the truth I don’t know how many others do.

Beyond the obvious disconnect with biblical truth and abandonment of gender roles, is the truly transsexual nature of the modern Kahol. And this is the main point of this page at Kodesh Kallah. Because beyond disobeying God by tossing out gender roles, His sacred Bride seems to be tossing out its very masculinity, its very femininity, in seeking to cross over between them. Her congregants even look transgendered, at least much of the time. Walk in a modern gathering of called-out ones, and tell me if you don’t get the feeling you’re at a homosexual parade. Or more accurately a transsexual one. One of the biggest complaints of the modern Kahol is what the secular world has done with gender, pushing on even little children books like Girls Will be Boys Will be Girls. Yes, the Kahol angers at these things. Preaches against them. But when we examine what believers themselves think, it appears they think that girls will be boys also, and that boys will be girls too. We are at war with God, beloved. And we are at war with nature.

If you relate these truths to your average Christian, the one who is to be conformed to the perfect image of Mashiach, the response will most often be outright revolt. It could be apathy too. Sure. But usually revolt. Now outright revolt is not what you would expect from one called to obedience to God, as well as to holiness, but revolt against God, and hatred of the messenger is what you will likely see. For many little Christs today have actually been taught an IDEOLOGY of anarchy. A philosophy of disorder. Believe it or not they’ve had it instilled in them that the amazing and beautiful freedom in Mashiach the Bible relates means something like license to do as you feel. At the very minimum a lack of clear standards. At the maximum a street riot. The more licentious, the more carnal, the more from the gut of a poorly-raised adolescent the better. So the idea of receiving clearly and with holiness or with thought and understanding the biblical teachings on gender roles is beyond most Christians. It is truly beyond them. God have mercy. We must pray for the grace to change this disaster, brethren. Just as we must pray for the grace to accept ourselves as men and women in the roles God gave us. All things are possible with God. That includes obedience.

Therefore I will provide some resources below, some of which I will build myself, for restoration of manhood and womanhood. I hope that they will inspire you, inform you and even help you in restoration in your life. Help you to change your home. To just give a handful of points I suggest for restoration, please consider these:

  • Respecting the biblical gender roles themselves.
  • Reinforcing those roles with helpful practices (for example, the head seat for the head of the home)
  • Having a distinction in dress. This is commanded biblically, although we will certainly need to make some judgments ourselves. For example, pants for men; skirts and dresses for women.
  • Respecting holy modesty, especially for women,
  • Drawing distinctions for activities; for example, keeping the heavy and risky work for men to do.
  • Raising our children with a sense of masculinity and femininity. This could be through toys, activities and even how we speak to them. It can emphasize the boldness of the growing boy, and the meek heart of the godly young woman.

Finally, I’d like to point out the absurdity of leaving gender roles behind, especially for we who call Mashiach our King. Because in trying to blend our natures, in trying to blend our genders, we take that bearer of life who is womankind, and place her in grave danger. In some instances, we are even placing her in warfare and in combat. Not only is this counter-natural, but much more diabolically, in sending woman into combat, we are sending the small, unprotected child whom she may bear within her. We show not only our hatred for gender roles, we show not only our war against God, we show our willingness to harm the smallest and most defenseless of our people. To harm our own children. Still more commonly than this, when we seek to make the woman like the man and push her from girlhood to be a career woman capable of supporting a household, we are ensuring the many years of schooling and other training that comes with it. And how then do we pass this time? You know how. By putting contraceptive chemicals into her body, chemicals which are abortifacient in nature, and when those chemicals do not have the desired effect, by going to an abortion doctor and paying him to kill. This is how we maintain the mannish woman who is to lead a home – through hormonal chemicals, and child killing. That is a fact. The war on gender can only be sustained through the war on children.

So beloved, if you want an image of the woman, one which is holy and life-giving, full of godliness and love, turn away from the defeminized women who are today chained to their careers and barreling into combat. Turn instead to Miriam the mother of our Savior, who was the mother of God. She answered Elohim saying only – Behold, the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be according to your word. She bore Him in her womb and suckled Him at her breast. And Yeshua from the cross called out – Woman, behold your son – and to His disciple – Behold your mother.

To the Holiness of the Bride:

Resources Encouraging Biblical Gender Roles and Families
No Greater Joy is the ministry of Michael and Debi Pearl and includes resources on marriage, homemaking, home schooling, gender roles, health and more.
The Godly Home — This page has tons of excellent preaching by the late Denny Kenaston. It includes sermons on headship, submission and raising children, among others. I deeply appreciate his work.
ATI offers good Bible-based family training and home education. From what I understand you have to join their entire program in order to get their homeschooling material.
Institute in Basic Life Principles
IBLP runs various programs including one focusing on building biblical character and the above ATI in home education. They respect the family and gender roles.

Articles and Books on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
The Council on Biblical Manhood and WomanhoodThis site offers a wealth of material. this page offers the pdf versions of two excellent books on manhood and womanhood by John Piper and Wayne Grudem.
Smash the Matriarchy — A lively article by Doug Wilson on the dangers of women in authority, and the real force behind it.
Desiring God
You can read more about Piper and Grudem’s book Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. You can also purchase it online.
Recovering Male Spirituality — Dan Juster of Tikkun Ministries writes on restoring biblical and traditionally Jewish manhood in the Messianic movement. As a Jewish believer myself, I would be on my knees in joyous praise to see this happen

All the SAME Bible — This is a chart of Bible verses. Here I set key verses about theology and morality side by side with those about the woman’s character and role. The point is, the same Bible that teaches Jesus rose, is the same that teaches men and women should do different things. Why accept one teaching and deny the other?
God’s Pattern for Wives, Part 2 — This is an excellent sermon by John MacArthur on the role of the Christian wife. I could have placed it in the homemaker section or the submission section, but it covers various topics, so I place it here about gender distinction in general. There are a few things I wouldn’t agree with in there, but it makes the main points well, and from Holy Scripture. The calling of the wife is in the home and in submission to her husband. Her teaching role is to other women and children.
The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth — An essay by the author on inheriting the earth through our offspring and providing the Lord a godly seed. It is an exhortation, teaching, and meditation on the subject.
Are you Crazy? — Why don’t you think women should wear pants? This is my own article about crossdessing in the Body of Messiah, and explaining through scripture and common sense why women should not dress like men.

Get Your Toilet Right — Taking the popular image of the bathroom sign, here is a brief guide to help Christians keep their gender roles correct. I include a number of the major scriptures at the end.
Advice on Restoring Gender in this Fallen Age — Articel by the author.
Of “Dad Moms” and “Man Fails”: An Essay on Men and Awesomeness
by Owen Strachan
A Collections of Articles
Here are various articles about gender and gender roles from the Answers in Genesis website.
Benefits of Marriage — It’s interesting how the Word of God is repeatedly in harmony with natural law and reason. Western hedonism and materialism are not. This article details the goodness of marriage for the people involved and for society.
LGBT or MNPS? — Modest Natural Plain and Simple: This letter to a brother in Messiah begins by answering the question of why I wear a beard, and continues by explaining the simple application of biblical principles to our life. We practice modesty and we respect the way that God made us. I wish all other Christians did.
I am His child and He loves me

In Human Nature I wrote this originally for a pro-life gathering, but its frank call to repentance led it to be rejected. It deals specifically with transgenderism and why it’s wrong, and goes on to reveal the Church’s error in mixing genders, disregarding holiness and destroying traditional marriage. It is what NO ONE wants to hear. 

The Fruit of Dying Faith and the Christian Disregard for the Family (I’ll put some of this up in The Abomination section of Kodesh Kallah)
This is the church, and this is the steeple, open the doors, and here are the people.
Secularism and low birth rates go hand in hand, which is why Christianity in the west looks headed for extinction but still survives in Africa and other regions.
Westernized Catholics in India
apparently want their wicked contraception and abortion, and are a shrinking population.
More from the UK — While I’m not fond of the English Church, this article gets to the point: chuchgoers are in a minority, in large part because they are simply dying off. Where are the children? God is bringing this people its just rewards.
Christians and post-Christians — It’s time to bring the women back to the home, and accept God’s gift of children. Or goodbye. 

Humanists Marry More Couples Than Church of Scotland — Nope, nothing to see here. Keep up your pursuit of money and disdain for marriage and having children. No emergency here. Move along.

Clothed in Scarlet

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Everyone wants to see change in the Body of Messiah, sometimes deep reform or widespread repentance. Yet the problem needing repenting always seems to be with someone else. Some other church. The congregation down the road. We like to think it’s those “big box” churches or those “mainline” denominations which are the cause of all the problems. But most of the time we can look at things right at home to see the cause of the problems. The need for reform. We can look right in our own front doors.

You see we’ve reached a point where the vast majority of believers ignore the man’s role as provider for the home, and more often than that, ignore the woman’s role as homemaker. This is especially strange since the woman’s role in keeping the home is given so straightforwardly in the word of God. In the Brit Chadashah (New Testament) both Titus and Timothy instruct Christian women to be keepers of the home. In Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures) the famed Proverbs 31 paints the picture of the godly woman, and it is the portrait of a homemaker. Yet modern believers would pretend these teachings do not exist. When we speak of disobedience in the Body of Messiah, why do we not speak of this?

These gender roles are not only supported by scripture, but furthermore by natural law. The woman in particular is uniquely suited for caring for the home and raising the children. Men are more suited to ambitious pursuits, and even danger. They have a heated desire to prove themselves, as well as a longing to seek the truth. These are not some old stereotypes, beloved. The common wisdom about men and women’s differences has been supported by study after study in the modern world. We are NOT the same creatures. For example, any man who finds he cannot provide for a home knows he is something less than he should be. Any man handing over his role as provider to a woman knows there is little manhood in it. Similarly, women’s advantage with children and natural need for more protection has changed not the least over the ages. She is the same woman she was ten centuries ago. In fact her DESIRE for those children and her desire for that protection is the very much the same. So as it often does, natural law stands in harmony with and support of what the Bible teaches. Here it teaches that women have a particular role. That is the keeper of the home.

Now unless we want the Bride of Messiah to be nothing more than an ironic phrase, a laugh-out-loud one liner to make children giggle, I suggest we restore the natural and biblical order. You see it’s been torn asunder by us. I realize that restoration for many many people looks so far away it’s almost out of sight. I realize millions of people have plans and money invested in a woman living out her ambitions as if she were a man. Many even have their sense of worth invested in it also. It ALMOST looks like a hopeless situation. Repentance nearly looks lost.

However, every step we take to return to God, will be a part of that repentance. A man and woman who simply sit down and start to rethink their future is a fine start. A woman who has already invested much in a career, who begins to take more time off, and take on more responsibilities in the home, is still a change of direction. Parents who begin to teach their daughters that their future involves a great and noble pursuit in the home are sowing the future seeds for righteousness. Begin now, I believe, and the blessings will overflow in a generation. Let us return to the roles God gives us in His word. Let us repent.

One of the greatest challenges in this repentance in that an entire sense of self and dignity has been attached to many women’s dreams. This is an area where the devil has been most successful. He has diminished our senses of the God-given dignity of the woman’s work in the home, and replaced it with a false sense of dignity of the woman, well, doing as she pleases. Following what some call dreams. Following what some call her heart. In fact, the devil has so distorted our sense of what is good, right and true, that many believers do not even associate the word “work” with a woman’s homemaking at all. That is how perverse we have become. That is how unknowledgeable.

But look at this; the woman is taught to attach weight to some personal pursuit, let’s say the dream of looking down a microscope one day. But it is in part those very so-called dreams which have left the family in western Christendom in rubbish; nearly everyone puts off marriage. Both partners pursue careers. Then they hand what very few children they’ve had over to strangers to be raised, and pass this selfish pattern on to their next generation. I mean look into the microscope there and see if you can see that. Look really close. Destroying the woman’s dignified and noble role in the home has been a part of destroying the family. It can’t ALL be blamed on atheists you know. It can’t all be blamed on single mothers and drug addicts. Look hard enough into that microscope and you’ll see perhaps how empty these career dreams are. What little they come to in the end.

So I’m asking everyone here to reconsider what their value system is. I’m asking the men reading this to take the helm of their own families, or future families, and make sure they follow the biblical pattern, not the modern one. I’m asking those women out there to dwell on, meditate on, and see the full value and richness in being keepers of the home. Then to hand in notice at work, and return to their crucial roles as keepers of the hearth. It will be like returning to that land which God has promised us. In Torah it is the physical territory of Eretz Israel. In Yeshua, it is our dwelling in His eternal Body. In the restoration of our families, it is of what we speak, the richness and life-giving presence of the wife and mother.

You know, there’s a passage in Proverbs 31, which tells us one of the many vital things that the godly woman does. It says – She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet. (Proverbs 31:21) To me those words are just beautiful and mysterious words. But ask some biblical experts, and they’ll tell you what they think they mean; that this godly wife clothes her family with heavy fabrics, good for the cold of winter. We know this because the color is scarlet, and it takes these thick fabrics to hold that special scarlet dye. Well maybe that is true. Maybe that’s what it takes. It just reminds me that this life-giving woman is keeping her family clothed through all kinds of weather. And that scarlet is the color of royalty.

The Lord make the woman who is coming to your house like Rachel and Leah, the two who built the house of Israel; and may you prosper in Ephrathah and be famous in Bethlehem. May your house be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah, because of the offspring which the Lord will give you from this young woman.” (Ruth 4:11,12)

To the Restoration of the Bride:

Teachings and Some Answers
Biblical Support for Women as Homemakers — Owen Strachan goes from Genesis through New Covenant scriptures in showing how rich and deep are the biblical roots of the woman’s role in the home.
Working Women and Titus 2:5 — By Scott Coltrain
The Biblical Instructions —  Biblical preacher John MacArthur briefly goes over the woman’s role as homemaker, relying primarily on the instructions in Titus and 1 Timothy. Yes, the Greek words used DO actually mean “home workers” and “to keep house.” There has not been a conspiracy of translators.
Responses to ObjectionsThis is by the author. It responds to some common claims that the woman’s role given in the Bible is not applicable to us. I hope that it is edifying to you.
What’s She Do All Day? — Good question. And a frequent one now that homemaking is much less common. This is a list of my beloved wife’s work as a homemaker broken down by task. I wouldn’t be surprised if I have to upload a new list soon, since it will likely grow. Praise Adonai.
The Christian Wife, The Heart of the Home
— This is an essay of mine going over the immeasurably valuable work of the homemaker, as well as reassuring the doubtful, or the scornful, that the work of the homemaker is both possible and relevant today. Not only that, but modern society and technology make it better than ever.
Daycare, Feminism and the Wellbeing of Children — “Extended periods of day care for young children are not in their best interests.” We’ve known this for many years. When will the Body of Messiah repent of its lifestyle feminism? This article also gets into the ideological basis behind day care and the modern career female.
Godly Wives Restore Society — Here I’ve provided 10 ways that the homemaker can be an integral part of rebuilding the community and broader society. It will be a true revolution. There’s a little 50’s humor too.

Proverbs 31 Woman and Her Latchkey Kids — Since some believers point to this passage from scripture as a pretext for women abandoning the home, I’ve gone over the godly wife passage verse by verse to see if this is true. It does in fact paint an illustration of the homemaker, albeit a unique and wealthy one, which women can emulate today.
What About all the Good? — This is my letter to a friend responding to the claim that careerism could be acceptable if it achieves an important good. In this case the alleged good is allowing the husband to pursue a low-paying ministry job. But in theory it could be something else. Choosing to ignore the homemaker role for this reason is still in conflict with scripture, and also contains a confused and myopic understanidng of “the good.” 
My Wife is a…

Thriving in Your Godly Single-Income Family
Most of these pieces were not written by believers, but they have useful financial advice nonetheless.
Six Tips for Living on One Income The title explains it all.
The Changover — This is a personalized piece about a family that changed over to a single income. It is by “a Christian mother who loves to read about how women kept home in time’s past.”
How Can a Family Survive on One Income — This short article puts special emphasis on budgeting.
The Completely Achievable Path — This article offers some excellent advice, step by step in succeeding in a change to single income.
I’m Lovin’ It — This is another personalized essay on one-income living. The author shares some stories and gets into the real nitty gritty of budgeting.

Great Links for Homemakers
Raising Homemakers — A great blog about homemaking and raising your daughters to be homemakers. It’s run by a young mother of three.
The Transformed Wife — This blog is managed by an experienced Christian wife and mother. It openly supports gender roles and modesty, including answering some of those who believe in ignoring those teachings. It speaks some clear and plain truth.
Keepers at Home Magazine — A magazine put out by Mennonites on homemaking and Christian country living. It even includes a statement regarding the roles of women. It is not free though.
I’m Raising Homemakers — A biblical womanhood website by “a wife, homeschooling stay at home mom of 5 beautiful blessings”
Homemaking Videos — Christian wife Alana gives some good advice and personal testimony about homemaking. She has a whole series of videos.
Proverbs 14 Blog — Another biblical womanhood blog. Beautiful quote by JR Miller, “A true wife makes a man’s life nobler, stronger, grander, by the omnipotence of her love.”
Above Rubies: Teachings for women and articles on a wide array of subjects from adoption to hospitality and health. 
Woman the Homemaker — A godly mom testifies. Part of the larger “Mom of 9’s” website.
An Interview — with the editors of “The Christian Homemakers Handbook.” They really make clear their priority is not just the home, but serving God through their role in it. It’s part of a larger biblical womanhood website.
The Way Home
Order Mary Pride’s groundbreaking book. She was a former feminist and professional woman who returned to following God and her work in the home. Apparently homemakers also write books. 

The Economic Reality of Two Incomes
The Two-Paycheck Effect — This article charts the disastrously-disappearing family savings along side the increasing number of women in the labor force. While this is not an exact description of how two incomes effect the economy and the average household, it is still evidence that two income households and disappearing savings are linked.
How the Dual Income Destroys the Lower Classes — It seems the constant claim we need a second income because we really “need the money” is more of a self-fulfilling prophesy than anything else. This author also clearly supports the natural roles given by God in the Bible. 
Worse Off than Mom and Dad — More money, less buying power. That’s the two income trap.
The Two Income Trap — One of the main books detailing the economic problems caused by an abundance of two-income homes.

A Man in a Dress?


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Well, it’s not a man in a dress, but it IS a woman preaching from the pulpit. This is the latest in evangelical silliness and modern gender-bending in the Body of Messiah. Having women teach over men and take on leadership positions, although specifically prohibited in scripture, is cutting through countless congregations and Messianic synagogues including some formerly “traditional” ones. For now, it’s one of the most divisive trends moving through the Body, but once the perpetrators get it totally normalized, just like the secular world has with sodomy, people will generally either accept it or leave their local congregation. I for one left.

I know a lot of people are saying, well maybe you’re right about it being counter-biblical, but what’s the big deal? It’s not like it’s first degree murder. I know I know. It’s not first degree murder. But by way of example, I’d point out that having the pastor show up in a frilly pink dress isn’t first degree murder either, but it IS ridiculous gender-bending and I’d never sit under it if it happened. I’d leave. Furthermore, this role reversal in the holy Bride of Messiah is only indicative of disobedience elsewhere, especially the refusal of men and women to act like men and women. It’s indicative of the not very biblical marriages out there. It’s indicative of the women who refuse to be workers of the home and raise their own children. It’s indicative of the desire of women in the Bride to imitate men in any number of ways. Women are not meant to be imitation men. They are meant to be women.

In fact women violating scripture in this regard is so common, it’s almost making the words “woman minister” become dirty words. I guess this is similar to the way that our culture, in its obsession with homosexuality, has made a man putting his arm around another man into a suggestive and possibly ugly thing. It’s the same vein of thought. We have thoroughly damaged gender roles to the point that the word “woman” next to the word “ministry” carries with it some of the same ugliness. What a shame that it’s so. But this failure is not only the responsibility of women, it is ultimately the responsibility of men, because as pastors and even as husbands, they have failed in THEIR own roles by allowing it to happen. If men had behaved like men, we would not be seeing this. It is a transgendered Bride of Messiah.

One of the many negative consequences of the role reversal we discuss is the damage that it does to what holy women in the Bride of Messiah COULD rightfully be doing otherwise. They could be very occupied and fulfilled in the ministry of the home. They could be taking care of the sick or elderly in their own congregation or neighborhood. They could be adopting children from foster homes, children who might otherwise be bound to this unbelieving hedonistic culture for life and raising them up in Messiah. They could be feeding the hungry. They could be ministering to the poor. These are all glorious and fulfilling pursuits that godly women could be doing. Instead, pardon me, our women prefer to exercise their mouths, and presume to be able to teach over men.

Therefore, I’ve collected some resources below to teach about biblical manhood and womanhood, especially in the congregation. I’ve included some materials I’ve written myself to congregations and governing bodies on the subject, and I confidently believe the material shows that women heading congregations and women preaching over men are aberrant practices. I encourage you to use the resources below to the best of your ability. The restoration of the Bride involves the restoration of man and woman, much like salvation itself.

Marriage of the Lamb






And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control. (1 Timothy 2:14-15)


To the Restoration of the Bride: 

Resources Teaching the Role of Women in Ministry
A Short Video — Pastor John MacArthur discredits the widely popular feminist doctrine in this twenty-two minute video. He deals with the major verse from 1 Timothy point by point, and places it all in the broad biblical worldview of man and woman. An excellent piece by a highly-respected biblical pastor.
Article 1 — A thorough essay by Matt Slick of CARM arguing biblically against both women pastors and women preachers.
Article 2 — A concise piece by Daniel B. Wallace PhD arguing biblically against women preaching from the pulpit.
Article 3 — Professor Douglas Moo goes over 1 Timothy in detail.
Article 4 — Matt Slick of CARM responds to a paper arguing for women pastors, and answers the question: Should I leave my church over this?
Article 5
Did Paul allow women to prophesy in church? This excellent and thorough article examines the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:5, opening with the clear understanding of the early Church on the subject.
Todd Friel Video — This short monologue by Wretched TV covers many of the points about gender roles briefly. Although it doesn’t get into any in detail, it clearly proves the main message: that the traditional view of gender roles relies on the plain instructions of scripture, and that the feminist view relies on ambiguities and alleged exceptions.
B-B-But Deborah — A clear response to the often abused example of the Judge
Deborah.                        Let Your Women Keep Silent — This is a reply to those who allow women preaching as long as it is outside of the local church gathering with everyone present. It began as my reply to a creationist ministry which had just become compromised that way, and I have turned it into a longer article. 

My Protest Material for your Reading and Use
Protest to the Churches against Feminism — This is a letter of protest I wrote to the governing body in my own community, against the trend of feminizing the congregation, which caused me to leave the community. It includes a brief review of the text along with explaining a number of reasons why we should not allow this. I have removed personal names, organizational names and some lingo.  Feel free to use any of this material for your own similar use.
A Response from One Leader and My Subsequent Response — This is the answer I received from my protest above and my own answer to various points the leader brought up. I want to point out that is seems obvious that the only things behind this feminist doctrine are 1) Terrible translation and 2) Grasping at the straw of any possible exception. I don’t mean to be mean or anything, but this is without a doubt a counter-biblical doctrine.

Answers to Major Objections — Along with my letters, I’ve included this piece to place the responses to objections all in one place. You will likely find one you’ve heard, or even believe in, answered right here.
My Response to a Local Minister — This is my response to a conversation with a local minister from the same community. Since it is answering a previous conversation, I have included a paragraph of explanation in the beginning. I think most of it is self-explanatory to anyone familiar with the subject. Just as with the above letters, it seems plain that the feminist doctrine stands on some very muddy ground.
My Response to Another Pastor — This is also a response to a previous conversation with a pastor who accepts the new doctrine. He had quite categorically laid out the argument for it, and once again, it came down to bad translation and potential ambiguous exceptions. This letter is briefer than the others.
My Brief Protest to Another Congregation — This letter does not try to do much apologetics, simply to make an impassioned plea against this practice, and point to the harm that it causes. It is addressed to what would otherwise be considered a traditional church, which had capitulated to the feminist doctrine in only the past year. Shame.
My Letters to 2 Women Congregational Heads — One of them gives a detailed but not very exegetical response. The other only a brief reply. Yet notice what they both say — God told them to do it. You’ll hear that more than once as a pretext for other behavior too. Does God call people to disobey Him? Not likely.